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signe's blog

Northern Solstice Residencies at SERDE/Bandava 16.06.-29.06.2025

Submitted by signe on Wed, 02/05/2025 - 14:19

Northern Solstice Residencies for Visual Artists and Cultural Researchers, SERDE/Bandava, Latvia.

We invite artists, researchers and cultural field representatives who are professionals in their field and are interested in art and cultural processes, who are able to independently realize their ideas and interested to use SERDE workshops and environment to work on their ideas, to apply for the SERDE residency in Aizpute and the cultural venue Bandava. The residencies mainly take place at the SERDES Residency Center at Atmodas Street 9, Aizpute, with the option to choose to implement or exhibit the project result or do part of the work at the Bandava cultural venue.

SERDE offers work equipment for wood, metal and ceramic works, fully equipped black and white analog photo laboratory (this is mostly soviet period technology and some basic knowledge is recommended), as well as space for coworking and presentations.

Bandava is the reconstruction of an ancient curonian village, where you can stay and work offline in the natural environment, work out on cultural heritage issues, researches and reconstructions.

Residency theme: Solstice and Midsummer tradition – visual works, interpretation, research, reconstructions of ancient traditions and new traditions, cooperation with a local audience.

Preference will be given to the applications where there will be some of these topics

– creative experiments,
– environmental objects,
– in cultural heritage research based reconstruction,
– research of the environment and ecology,
– sustainable development solutions in small towns and rural environments.

During the residency, we expect artists to work on their ideas, collaboration with other residents, our team and local audiences is recommended but not obligatory. At the end of the residency we expect an open studio, presentation, performance or other show of the residencies work result.

Duration of residency
Open call is for two week residency period from June 16 to June 29, 2025


Accommodation is provided at SERDE residence center. Each resident has a private room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. The Residence center is located in a historical building complex in the center of old town Aizpute, Latvia. SERDE has an extension in Bandava – the reconstruction of the ancient curonian village, where you can stay and work offline in the natural environment.


Disciplines, work equipment and assistance
We are inviting visual artists, researchers and representatives of cultural heritage.


Studio / Workspace
Workspace might be private or shared with other artists. We have equipment for wood, metal and ceramic works, fully equipped black and white analog photo laboratory (this is mostly soviet period technology and some basic knowledge is recommended), as well as space for presentations. Depending on the project proposal it is possible to organize project presentations, set up or installation in a public environment or in Bandava village.


Fees and support
We can provide selected artists with:
– free accommodation at SERDE and/or Bandava,
– access to our workshops and tools,
– consultations and advice,
– material budget can be considered depending on your application and technical needs.

We can not cover your fees and travel costs but will provide selected candidates with a letter of invitation for additional funds or travel grant seeking.

Expectations towards the artist
Artists are expected to be the professionals of the field where they apply and can work in unusual circumstances independently. Our team is available to help and answer your questions, provide advice to help you realize your project. At the end of residency we expect the text (approximately 100 – 300 words) about your project and images for the annual publication.


Application information

To apply please fill the application form.

If you have any questions about the residency contact us at


More info about SERDE:



Residencies programm is supportes by State Culture Capital Foundation

Interdisciplinary Artist Residencies at SERDE 2025

Submitted by signe on Fri, 01/24/2025 - 14:01

We invite artists and creative professionals who are interested in interdisciplinary processes and are able to independently work out their ideas, willing to work in an unusual circumstances and use SERDES workshops to realize their plans, to apply for creative work at the SERDES residency in Aizpute and/or at the cultural venue Bandava.

– SERDE offers work equipment for wood, metal and ceramic works, fully equipped black and white analog photo laboratory (this is mostly soviet period technology and some basic knowledge is recommended), as well as space for coworking and presentations.

– Bandava is the reconstruction of an ancient curonian village, where you can stay and work offline in the natural environment, work out on cultural heritage issues, researches and reconstructions.

Preference will be given to the applications where there will be some of these topics

– cooperation with a local audience

– creative experiments,

– environmental objects,

– in cultural heritage research based reconstruction,

– research of the environment and ecology,

– sustainable development solutions in small towns and rural environments.

During the residency, we expect artists to work on their ideas, collaboration with other residents, our team and local audiences is recommended but not obligatory. At the end of the residency we expect an open studio, presentation, performance or other show of the residencies work result.


Duration of residency

Open call is for residency periods from May 1 to May 21  or  July 7 to July 27



Accommodation is provided at SERDE residence center. Each resident has a private room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. The Residence center is located in a historical building complex in the center of old town Aizpute, Latvia. SERDE has an extension in Bandava – the reconstruction of the ancient curonian village, where you can stay and work offline in the natural environment.


Disciplines, work equipment and assistance

We are inviting residents from various fields - artists, musicians, researchers, dancers, writers, representatives of cultural heritage and theater.


Studio / Workspace

Workspace might be private or shared with other artists. We have equipment for wood, metal and ceramic works, fully equipped black and white analog photo laboratory (this is mostly soviet period technology and some basic knowledge is recommended), as well as space for presentations. Depending on the project proposal it is possible to organize project presentations, set up or installation in a public environment or in Bandava village.


Fees and support

We can provide selected artists with  – free accommodation at SERDE,   – access to our workshops and tools,   – consultations and advice,   – material budget can be considered depending on your application and technical needs. We can not cover your fees and travel costs but will provide selected candidates with a letter of invitation for additional funds or travel grant seeking.


Expectations towards the artist

Artists are expected to be the professionals of the field where they apply and can work in unusual circumstances independently. Our team is available to help and answer your questions, provide advice to help you realize your project. At the end of residency we expect the text (approximately 100 – 300 words) about your project and images for the annual publication.


Application information

To apply please fill the application form until 23rd of February:

If you have any questions about the residency contact us at


Supported by:

State Culture Capital Foundation

Artist residencies at SERDE 2024

Submitted by signe on Mon, 06/10/2024 - 14:57

The Residency and workshop center SERDE is looking for professional artists who are interested at the end of their residency to show and participate with his/her work at the art and craft event “Applethink” which is an annual event at SERDE for the local community.

In SERDE residencies artists can collaborate with each other, experimenting with ideas, materials, technologies and make new co-productions. Representatives or teams of various cultural sectors are welcome to apply for two week residencies.


“Applethink” is public event which is conceptually dedicated to the harvest thematic – the local craftsmen productions are combined with artistic interpretations. This is the place where to show and test your new ideas and productions.


Apply until 28th of June, the results will be after 5th of July


Duration of residency

01.09.2024 – 15.09.2024 (dates are flexible and you can start the residency earlier but artist has to prepare his presentation, concert, performance for 14th of September)



Accommodation at SERDE residency center. Private room and shared common area bathrooms and kitchen.



Music, visual art, sound art, performances, mixed media, theater.


Studio / Workspace

Insight of our residency center here.


Fees and support

The selected artists will receive a 500€ grant and up to 200€ production support. Free accommodation and access to SERDE workshops and tools. We will provide selected candidates with a letter of invitation for travel grant seeking. If you apply as a team we can give a grant for one member but can consider giving free accommodation and access to workshops.


Expectations towards the artist

The residencies closing event is planned at the annual SERDE art and craft event “Applethink”. So, we expect that artist will do a closing show, performance, presentation, exhibition, open studio of the residence work at “Applethink” on 14th of September.

An old video from Applethink event:


Application information

To apply please fill the application form.

If you have any questions about the residency contact us at


More info about SERDE:


Residencies programm is supportes by State Culture Capital Foundation

Ēdieni Dienvidkurzemē

Submitted by signe on Mon, 05/06/2024 - 10:28

Izdota divdesmitpiektā SERDES Tradīciju burtnīca - "Ēdieni Dienvidkurzemē"!

Tradīciju burtnīcā apkopoti stāsti par senāku un vēl joprojām tautā iecienītu ēdienu gatavošanu Dienvidkurzemes teritorijā. Šo stāstu vākšana notikusi SERDES organizētajās novadpētniecības skolās 2021. un 2022. gada vasarās. Sākotnējai pētnieciskajai interesei izzināt sklandraušu un skābputras gatavošanas un ēšanas stāstus piepulcējās vēl vairāki tradicionālie ēdieni, kas veido bērnības garšu un joprojām dažās mājās vēl tiek gatavoti.
Par burtnīcu

20th International Cast Iron Symposium

Submitted by signe on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 12:25

The 20th International Cast Iron Art Symposium will be held from 2nd until 10th of August, 2024 at the Residency and workshop center SERDE in Aizpute, Latvia. During the symposium artists are expected to take part in the whole casting process and be able to work independently to create their models and casting molds. Iron casting process will be open to the general public and all interested audience during the symposium days at SERDE and at night of cast iron show by the Tebra riverside on 9th of August in Aizpute.

Preliminary program:

August 2  arrival until 19.00, excursion.

August 3 to 8 preparing models, molds and the casting kiln, some excursions around local places.

August 9 transporting moulds, materials and kiln to the casting place. Sculpture casting!

August 10 Summarising results and closing event.


Available technologies:

Testing different sand moulds (max. sculpture weight 30 kg):

Boiled linseed oil  - sand moulds

Cement - sand moulds

Green sand mould

CO hardened sand moulds

Ceramic shell molds for wax models (wax model max. weight 200 grams)


The symposium takes place in a cozy, non industrial environment and it is oriented towards experiments and learning new experiences.


Cost of participation 500 EUR, includes accommodation at SERDES rezidencies centre (shared rooms), catering and materials.


Short video from 18th Cast Iron Symposium:


It is advisable to present your idea before the symposium and coordinate the available technologies and scope of work with the organiser Kārlis Alainis via email


Any other questions regarding the workshop contact us at



More info about SERDE:



Event is supported by State Culture Capital Foundation.

10th International Workshop on Wood Restoration

Submitted by signe on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 11:45

The building complex in Aizpute, at the corner of Atmodas and Jāņa streets, is a historical monument of national importance, built in several stages from the beginning of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. A large selection of historically valuable construction parts has been preserved in the buildings.

In three rooms of the oldest part of the building there have been preserved interior decorations from 18th - 19th centuries.

Participants will be able to learn practical and theoretical skills in restoration, preservation and maintenance of cultural heritage.

Workshops will be organized by - Jānis Tolpežnikovs, Guntars Upenieks, Raivis Autriņš, Uģis Pucens and Ance Ausmane.

We invite participants with or without previous knowledge to participatein the workshop. The number of participants are limited, so applications will be evaluated based on your description of your interest in participating in the workshop.

The participation fee 150€ includes activities exploring the local cultural heritage - excursions, tea and coffee breaks, accommodation expenses (at SERDE in double room) and the final event, where certificates of participation in the restoration workshop will be issued.



Any questions regarding the workshop contact us at

Event is supported by State Culture Capital Foundation.


More info about SERDE:


Submitted by signe on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 14:25

The Residency and workshop center SERDE is looking for artists and creators who are professionals in their field and can relate to inter/trans - disciplinary processes; who are able to work independently and produce their work in our offered facilities and unusual circumstances, but are also open for cooperation with local audience and hosts.

Priority will be given to the applicants who work with the culture heritage aspects, are able to present their work and findings.


Preferable dates of the 1 to 4 weeks residency are in between 26 June to 30 July


Fees and support

SERDE provides selected artists with:

- a letter of support for individual grant seeking,
- free access to the shared studio space - ceramics, wood, metal, mix materials and analogue photo laboratory,
- organizing open studios or artists presentations for local audience.


Artists must secure their own funding for

– accommodation (for 1 week 120€ and 300€ for 1 month) in the residency center:

– travel to and from residency, and insurance,

– production costs and personal spending.


Expectations towards the artist

At the end of residency artist has to send few photos and short text about his/her work for the annual publication - SERDE’s year book.


Application deadline January 30, 2023

To apply fill the APPLICATION FORM


More info:

9th International Workshop on Wood Restoration

Submitted by signe on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 22:56

We invite to participate the owners of old buildings or anyone who wants to supplement their knowledge in the gentle and environmentally friendly building renovation and maintenance which can be later used in their practice or home.

The restoration will be carried out using traditional techniques and natural materials. The works will lead experienced craftsmen (Jānis Tolpežnikovs, Juris Pavlovs). You can participate without previous knowledge.

The building complex at Atmodas Street 9 in Aizpute, Latvia has been restored and maintained in a planned and gentle manner since 2002. The building complex is an architectural monument of national significance, in which the restoration works have been carried out since the 1st International Restoration Workshop in 2014 (21 windows, 2 doors, the facade of Atmodas Street, part of the fachwerk construction of the warehouse building, the entrance ramp and the basement have been restored during the workshops), but there is still a lot of work to be done and each of them is an important step in renovating and passing on the building to future generations.

In Latvia, there are few such publicly accessible, open objects in the process of practical restoration work, but public interest restoration work is growing.



Participation fee 50€.
Accommodation possible at SERDE if necessary.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:


More info about SERDE:

18. Starptautiskais čuguna mākslas simpozijs

Submitted by signe on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 16:03

Aicinām uz skulptūru liešanas šovu piektdien, 12. augustā no plkst 18.00- 21.00 Tebras upes krastā!

18. Starptautiskais čuguna mākslas simpozijs ir Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas tēlniecības pasniedzēja Kārļa Alaiņa un biedrības Starpnozaru mākslas grupas SERDE ikgadējs sadarbības projekts ar mērķi izzināt čuguna liešanas tehnoloģijas daudzveidību un demonstrēt to plašākai auditorijai. Šis ir vienīgais šāda veida pasākums Latvijā un Ziemeļeiropā, kas pievēršas tieši čuguna kā pamatmateriāla izmantošanai mākslā.

Aizputē 18. Starptautiskajā Čuguna mākslas simpozijā izmanto čuguna cepli, kādus Eiropas dzelzs ieguves darbnīcās sāka lietot 16. gadsimtā. Kurzemē tāds ceplis pirmo reizi parādījās Kurzemes hercoga Vilhelma Turlavā 1596. gadā dibinātajā dzelzs apstrādes manufaktūrā. Vēlāk hercoga Jēkaba laikā bija izveidotas 15 dzelzs apstrādes manufaktūras. Šī tehnoloģija mūsdienās tiek pielietota gan gigantiskās dzels ieguves domnās, gan smalku mākslas darbu atliešanai. 18. Starptautiskais čuguna mākslas simpozijs turpina gan senas metālmākslas tradīcijas, gan iesaista mākslas profesionāļus tradīcijas jaunradē, gan sniedz vizuāli efektīvu liešanas performanci skatītājiem.

18. Starptautiskā čuguna mākslas simpozija dalībnieki - Kārlis Alainis, Inese Valtere, Donatas Mockus, Ivo Folkmanis, Armands Vecvanags, Monta Kurzemniece, Andrejs Ratkevičs, Rūta Patmalniece, Nils Jumītis, Made Dumpe, Artis Alainis, Reinis Alainis, Rūdolfs Alainis, Ance Ausmane, Trīne Pucena

Pasākums notiek ar Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonda Kurzemes Kultūras programmas finansiālu atbalstu.




Submitted by signe on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 19:26

The building complex at Atmodas Street 9 in Aizpute, Latvia has been restored and maintained in a planned and gentle manner since 2002. The building complex is an architectural monument of national significance, in which the restoration works have been carried out since the 1st International Restoration Workshop in 2014


July 11

10am - 12pm Introduction of the organisation and workshop leaders. Guided tour through the building complex and introduction of the works from the previous workshops.

12pm - 1pm Introduction with the workshop spaces, planned works and objects. Safety instruction. Introduction of the working tools and materials.

2pm - 5pm Marking and dismantling works, cleaning of unstable paint layers with paint scrapers.


July 12

10am - 1pm Marking and dismantling works, cleaning of unstable paint layers with paint scrapers. Cleaning the wooden parts.

2pm - 6pm Replacing and repairing the rotten and damaged wooden parts. Cleaning metal parts from rust and putting on the prime protective coat.

July 13

10am - 1pm Replacing and repairing the rotten and damaged wooden parts. Cleaning metal parts from rust and putting on the prime protective coat.

2pm - 6pm Cleaning metal parts from rust and putting on the prime protective coat. Heating up the linseed oil and appling on the wooden parts.

July 14

10am - 1pm Heating up the linseed oil and appling on the wooden parts. Filling up small defects with linseed oil putty. Installation of metal parts.

2pm - 6pm Cutting and adjusting the glass to the window frames. Glazing windows with linseed oil putty and copper wire.

July 15

10am - 1pm Preparing the surfaces for paint and applying the paint.

2pm - 6pm Applying the paint and organising the space for drying.

July 16

10am - 1pm Putting back windows and taking group photos with the results of the workshop.

2pm - 4pm Wrap-up the workshop. Issuance of a certificate!


*The program is informative, deviations from the plan are possible including additional works, theoretical breaks, trying other techniques, excursions etc. The speed of restoration work is not an exact calculation, it depends on the enthusiasm, workflow, desire to learn and individual skills of the participants.


Workshop organized by The Interdisciplinary Art Group SERDE
and association Nākotne pagātnei:


Supported by: