Living with Cultural Heritage
The goal of the project Living with Cultural Heritage (LiviHeri) is to learn how to live, maintain and cherish a historical town while preserving its characteristic environment and liveability. The project builds on a joint interest based on the recognition of similarities and differences between the participating towns of Rauma (Finland), Visby (Sweden), Kuldiga and Aizpute (Latvia).
The project develops thematically joint tourist attractions based on cultural and natural resources as well as thematically and periodically joint tourist products. The participating towns will build joint platforms for communication in social media enhancing simultaneous activities, shared experiences and crowd-sourced innovations. The activities will be done via joint learning process with benchmarking visits, local activities and sharing the local skills and knowledge hand-by-hand in workshops as well as digitally in social media.
The project will produce three new joint tourist packages, two new tourist attractions and three new identification and awareness raising packages.
Documentation of Serde's activities on 2016 here.
Lead partner:
Rauma Town, Rauma, Finland
Project partners:
Kuldiga District Council, Kuldiga, Latvia
The residencies and workshop centre SERDE, Rīga / Aizpute, Latvia
University of Turku, The Degree Programme in Cultural Production and Landscape Studies, Pori, Finland
University of Turku, Department of Teacher Education, Rauma, Finland
Gotland Region, Visby, Sweden